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What's happening Inside AHS?

News, announcements and updates for and by AHS students, faculty and staff.

Personal Training Course Fall 2024

Personal Training Course

Course Description and Format The Personal Trainer Prep Course is designed to prepare individuals to take the ACE Personal Trainer certification exam. This 9-week course provides curriculum and materials consisting of PowerPoint presentations,…

Fall 2024 UIC faculty and staff free headshot sessions

Tuesday, Sept. 24 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Location: Room 713 | Student Center East Wednesday, Sept. 25 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Location: Room 213AB | Student Center West Sessions are first-come,…

Publication Alert: Assistive Technology Use among Hispanics

“Marginalized voices: a qualitative exploration of multilevel environmental barriers to assistive technology use among Hispanics” allowed researchers the privilege of amplifying the voices of Hispanics with disabilities and their caregivers. Participants shared their…