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UIC Open House 2024

Get involved. Get informed. Get to know AHS on Saturday, September 21.

AHS Student Council board elections

The AHS Student Council Board will be running the new board member elections and voting for the positions during their next meeting.

Positions that are open to run for include:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Social Media Chair
  • Historian
  • Two Health Professionals Student Council members

If you plan on running for a board member position, please read the following information and be ready with these materials at the next meeting:

Be prepared to present a mini speech about why you want to run for the board position you choose, tell us what you will bring to the position that will be different, and what goals you would like to accomplish if selected for such position.

The specific date and time for this meeting is still being discussed, but we wanted to get this information out to you all so you can start preparing. More details will be emailed about the meeting once we finalize the date and time, but definitely plan for a meeting the week we come back from spring break.

We highly encourage those that are considering running for a position to email us, that way we have an idea of who wants to run. Feel free to ask us any questions you may have. Questions can also be posted on our Facebook page. Emails can be sent to (Alexandra Rubi).

For more info about AHSSC, check out our website. Instagram and Facebook links are found there.