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Back-to-back issues of The American Journal of Bioethics feature BVIS student artwork on cover

Artwork by BVIS students Eleanor Milman and Natalie Yoshioka are featured in the covers of The American Journal of Bioethics March 2018 and April 2018 issues respectively.

"When I learned that I would be creating an illustration on pediatric medical decision making, I immediately wanted to work from the perspective of a child. Grappling with heavy topics such as informed consent and patient autonomy is difficult for adults and so must be especially daunting for children and their parents." - Milman.

"I spent the most time trying to find an exciting visual metaphor that would best represent the recommendation of building trust within a community over an extended period of time. I didn’t want to rely on solutions that were too obvious or simplistic to describe the article themes. Precision medicine is often a big data problem, where researchers are trying to find a solution within a depth of patient data and information. This drew me to the idea of a researcher trying to find a fish within a whirlpool, which loosely represents large amounts of genetic or patient medical information." - Yoshioka