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Join us Thursday, Oct. 10

All UIC students are invited to attend the AHS Graduate and Professional Programs Fair at Student Center East.

Change to UIC COVID-19 isolation guidelines

On Friday, March 1, 2024, the CDC released its new isolation guidelines for COVID-19, aligning recommendations with that of other viral respiratory diseases (e.g., influenza and RSV). We ask that you take a moment to read through the following, so you are aware of updates to our COVID-19 campus guidelines.

Please note, the following recommendations are for UIC faculty, staff, and students who are not UI Health affiliates, not engaged in patient-facing clinical activities in healthcare settings, and who are not engaged in research studies that require contact with research subjects. UI Health affiliates and campus members with these types of clinical or patient/research participant-facing duties should refer to UI Health guidelines posted on the UIH intranet.

All campus employees are required to receive clearance from University Health Services when they test positive for COVID-19. Review our isolation and post-exposure page for further details.

Effective Monday, March 4, 2024

If you test positive for COVID-19, but do not have any symptoms of COVID-19:

·       Mask in all settings on UIC’s campus for five (5) days from the date you first tested positive.

·       If you begin to have symptoms of COVID-19, follow the below guidance.

If you test positive for COVID-19 and have symptoms of COVID-19, stay home until:

·       your symptoms have improved for at least 24 hours AND

·       you have been fever-free for 24 hours without utilizing fever-reducing medication

Mask in all settings on UIC’s campus for five (5) days from the date you return to campus.

High quality masks and respirators, such as KN95s or N95s offer the most protection for yourself and others.

·       Masks should be adequately thick, well-fitted, and cover your nose, mouth, and chin. To maximize protection, consider wearing a disposable mask under a cloth mask (double masking).


Because you may still be able to spread the virus after returning to campus, it is recommended that you limit close contact with others and take additional precautions during these five days including:

  • Cover your cough and sneezes with your elbow with a tissue or into your elbow.
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Improve ventilation in your home and other indoor settings.
  • Testing before gathering with others.

The UIC COVID-19 Contact Tracing and Epidemiology Program will continue to offer guidance and support to students who report following a positive COVID-19 test, onset of COVID-19 symptoms, or exposure to someone with COVID-19.

UIC employees testing positive for COVID-19, who were exposed to someone with COVID-19, or who have symptoms of COVID-19  should follow departmental call-in procedures. Campus employees should continue to follow UHS clearance procedures when their COVID-19 absence exceeds 3 days as outlined by the Isolation and Post-Exposure website.

The following resources and tools are provided below for your reference: