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Let your voice be heard! Complete the AHS faculty and staff culture and climate survey by February 28

Dear AHS Staff and Faculty,

We are asking all College of Applied Health Sciences faculty and staff to participate in the AHS Inclusive Excellence Task Force Culture and Climate Survey. This survey was created by the Culture and Climate subcommittee with feedback from the UIC Office of Diversity.  The survey was created to better understand the culture and climate faculty and staff experience within the college and their respective departmental communities.

At this time, we have an approximate 20% response rate. To add an incentive to completing the survey, the AHS department/unit with the highest response rate will be awarded with some AHS swag!

Taking the survey

Your participation in this survey is voluntary. The survey questions do not ask for potentially identifying information. You will be asked to indicate your department and each question is optional. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.  We ask all faculty and staff that would like to participate to submit their survey responses by Monday, February 28.

Integrity of the survey data

The raw information will be collected via Qualtrics and kept confidential through a duo factor, password protected, BOX folder. Access to information will be restricted to subcommittee members listed below. Any information the subcommittee uses for the completed report and recommendations will be generalized and no identifiable information will be included in the final report. Two years after the report is finalized, the sub-committee chair will delete all raw data from BOX and Qualtrics.

Analysis and dissemination

The subcommittee will review and analyze the data to create a full report which will include recommendations for change. The report will be presented to the AHS dean, the associate deans, and department heads. The full report and recommendations will be presented at the AHS college meeting and shared with our AHS community.

Accountability of the recommendations

The recommendations will include a plan for long term accountability. An accountability committee will be formed and comprised of a voted member from each AHS department/unit.


Thank you in advance for your participation. We look forward to using your input to make the AHS community a more inclusive environment for everyone!


Inclusive Excellence Task Force

Culture and Climate Subcommittee

  • Whitney Harris, Kinesiology and Nutrition
  • Viviana Kabbabe-Thompson, Office of Student Affairs
  • David Marquez, Kinesiology and Nutrition
  • Shayna Oshita, Kinesiology and Nutrition
  • Alyson Patsavas, Disability and Human Development
  • Orit Schwartz, Rehabilitation Sciences
  • Kirsten Straughan, Kinesiology and Nutrition, Survey Sub-Committee Chair
  • Jennifer Wescott, Rehabilitation Sciences

 Office of Diversity, Equity and Engagement

  • Michelle Manno, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Diversity Initiatives 
  • Angela Walden, Director of Inclusion Initiatives

*Members of the Inclusive Excellence Taskforce self-selected into the Climate and Culture Subcommittee