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Message from Dean Fernhall: COVID-19 safety measures for the fall

Following up on the August 6 campus COVID-19 safety measures for fall semester message I would like to reinforce some of the key points.

Now is a critical time for those who are eligible to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Our goal is to have a fully vaccinated campus this fall to allow us to resume a more normal learning and working environment.

If you are a faculty, staff or returning student and you have not met the Aug. 1 deadline for disclosing your vaccination status through UIC Healthcheck, you should do so immediately before disciplinary action is taken. Freshman, transfer and new graduate students must disclose vaccination status by Aug. 16.

Effective Aug. 16, at least weekly saliva testing and daily UIC Healthcheck COVID-19 Self Monitoring is required for the following individuals:

  • those who submitted a medical or religious exemption
  • those who are partially vaccinated who have a scheduled final vaccine dose and vaccination completion is imminent. You may update your vaccination status through UIC Healthcheck after your final vaccine dose.

Face masks will continue to be required indoors for everyone on campus, including in classrooms. Individuals may unmask if they are alone in a private office or personal residence hall room, or when an individual has a medical condition, disability or other reason that prevents them from safely wearing a face mask.

Currently physical distancing recommendations have been lifted on campus. However, given the dynamic situation with the Delta variant, there may be a need to adjust physical distancing requirements for the fall.

The safety guidance is based on current conditions and may need to be adjusted as conditions change. UIC is committed to following the science and adjusting accordingly to protect the campus community.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and I look forward to seeing you in a couple weeks.