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Message from Dean Fernhall to AHS instructors

I want to update you on a few items related to the start of the fall semester. Additional guidance from campus on other items related to the start of the fall is expected as the semester approaches. I am sharing the most current information we have on these topics.

Student vaccination requirements and attendance expectations
The student COVID-19 vaccination requirements and deadlines message has been sent to all UIC students and outlines expectations for fall courses attendance. Instructors of courses with required in-person components are not required to offer a remote/online option for students with the exception of students with approved accommodations. Instructors should communicate expectations for required in person participation by the first day of instruction.  Please record all undergraduate course lectures when possible.

The UIC Disability Resource Center will be individually reaching out to instructors of courses with students enrolled who have approved accommodations to discuss options for participation.

Instructors can continue to require attendance for their courses whether offered online or in-person.  Attendance and participation expectations should be clearly communicated to students in course syllabi as well as procedures for communicating unexpected absences or opportunities for make-up work.

Echo 360 equipment and course recording
Please record all undergraduate lectures and other courses when possible. Blackboard Collaborate, Zoom and Webex should continue to be used until the Echo 360 equipment is installed for recording course lectures. The Echo 360 equipment is not expected to arrive before the start of the fall semester. A realistic timeline is for the equipment to arrive and to be installed is mid to late fall.

Classroom safety
The current classroom safety guidance from the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services is attached.

AHSB and DHSP building hours
Effective August 23, AHSB will be open from the hours of 7 am to 5 pm, Monday though Friday and DHSP will be open from 7 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday. During non-business hours the buildings well be on key card access only.