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UIC Open House 2024

Get involved. Get informed. Get to know AHS on Saturday, September 21.

Multi-week UIC CCTS grant writing course

HPA 591 (Grant Writing for New Investigators) is designed for junior faculty and post-doctoral fellows interested in applying for a career development grant (such as NIH K series awards such as K23, etc., VA Career Development Awards, AHA Mentored Clinical & Population Research Awards, ACS Mentored Research Scholar Grants, etc.).

Participants will learn the mechanics of an NIH grant application, develop grant writing skills as they draft a career development award application, and carry out peer reviews.  There are only about 10-12 seats available for this class, so space is very limited.

The course will meet from 1:30-4 PM on Thursdays from January 18 thru May 10 in the spring 2018 semester.

If you are interested in enrolling in this course, please send your current CV and a brief statement outlining:
1) Your research experience/interests.
2) A list of any prior grant applications submitted (include the funding agency, grant mechanism if applicable, and status.
3) Your anticipated timeline for grant submissions in the near future (include the target funding agency and grant mechanism).

Send these items to Jaclyn Jackson at no later than Monday, Oct. 2, 2017.