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Official announcement from Dean Bo Fernhall

Dear AHS students, faculty and staff,

I’m writing with some trepidation and mixed feelings to share that I have informed Robert Barish, vice chancellor for health affairs, that I will step down as dean of the UIC College of Applied Health Sciences to return to teaching and research full time. I have agreed to continue to serve as dean until my current appointment ends August 2022 or a new dean is appointed. Dr. Barish has indicated that there will be a national search for the next dean.

When I began my deanship in 2011, I made it clear that I intended to serve no more than 10 years. Now in my 11th year, I believe the time is optimal for new leadership.

I want to thank all of you, faculty, staff and students, for being some of the most incredible people I’ve had the pleasure to work with. Thanks to you, the last 10 years have been a wonderful experience. I could not have asked for or imagined a better group of people. Your hard work, dedication and drive are the prime reasons we are one of the top colleges of applied health sciences in the U.S. Your insight and contributions shaped our two “Planning our Future Strategic Planning” processes and the resulting strategic plans. What’s even more amazing is that we’ve already met the majority of our goals! I hope you’re as proud of our accomplishments as I am.

I have no doubt that our college is poised to continue its upward trajectory to reach an even higher level of excellence under new leadership. Thank you for making my time as dean one that I’ll always treasure. I look forward to working with you in my new role as a faculty member in the Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition.

With deep gratitude,

Dean and Professor
UIC College of Applied Health Sciences