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UIC Open House 2024

Get involved. Get informed. Get to know AHS on Saturday, September 21.

Publication accepted: Jane Marone lead author of study examining relationship between social media distractions and students’ academic performance

KN clinical professor Jane Marone is the lead author of a paper accepted for publication by Advances in Physiology Education: "Social media interruption affects the acquisition of visual, not aurally-acquired information during a pathophysiology lecture."

Marone and co-authors Shivam Thakkar, Neveen Suliman and Shannon O'Neill - all AHS alumni- as well as Alison Doubleday of the UIC Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnostics, examined "the ability of students visually distracted by social media to acquire information presented aurally during a voice-over PowerPoint lecture."

Their findings suggest that "the ability of students visually distracted by social media to acquire information presented aurally during a voice-over PowerPoint lecture."