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Sarah Zera, Kathy Preissner, Heidi Fischer and Ashley Stoffel publish article in the British Journal of Occupational Therapy

OTD alumna Sarah Zera, Kathy Preissner, Heidi Fischer and Ashley Stoffel conducted a feasibility study to determine whether a Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) informed approach can be used to inform group rehabilitation therapy in a clinical setting. The full article is available here:

The CO-OP Approach is a client-centered, problem-solving approach aimed to help clients transfer skills and problem-solving strategies. The CO-OP Approach has proven effective in one-on-one therapy sessions with clients in inpatient and outpatient settings; however, there is little to no knowledge of the feasibility of implementing the CO-OP Approach in group therapy.

In her study, “Cognitive orientation to daily occupation group in the adult rehabilitation setting: A feasibility study,” Zera addressed the challenges of implementing the CO-OP Approach in day rehabilitation. Four patients participated in six group sessions, and pre-and post- measures were used to assess progress. Zera considered the following questions related to the feasibility of CO-OP groups:

  1. Will a minimum of three participants complete four of six group sessions?
  2. Will it be possible to complete pre- and posttests on all participants who complete four of six group sessions?
  3. Will the adult CO-OP group curriculum developed from the children’s CO-OP group curricula be practical for the adult day rehabilitation population?
  4. Will the goals identified by adults be appropriate to address in a group session?

Zera used a combination of quantitative and participant data to establish the feasibility of CO-OP Approach groups. The study identified five key themes from the perspectives of the participants. First, participants appreciated the opportunity to learn from others in a group setting. Second, the problem-solving structure assisted with cognitive impairments such as inability to focus. Third, at the end of the group, participants were more motivated to participate in everyday tasks. Fourth, participants found value in selecting goals. Finally, all participants would have liked more sessions.

Zera and colleagues determined CO-OP Approach-informed group interventions are feasible in adult day rehabilitation. Their study adds distinct value to the field as this is the first known study to explore adult CO-OP groups in a day rehabilitation setting.