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UIC Open House 2024

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Spyros Kitsiou received the 2018 Meritorious Mention Award from SIG-Health of the Association for Information Systems

The  Special Interest Group on Health of the Association for Information Systems awarded the 2018 Meritorious Mention to BHIS assistant professor Spyros Kitsiou  and co-authors Guy Paré, Mirou Jaana, and Ben Gerber for their article titled "Effectiveness of mHealth interventions for patients with diabetes: An overview of systematic reviews." In this article, which was published by Plos One in 2017, Dr. Kitsiou and colleagues examined the effectiveness of various mobile health technology interventions for self-management of diabetes by critically appraising and consolidating evidence from 37 clinical trials and 15 systematic reviews to guide clinical guideline developers and policy decision-making, as well as future research efforts.

This article was also showcased in the UIC News on March 15, 2017, and cited in the 2017 National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support of the American Diabetes Association.

The mission of SIG-Health is to support health-IS research, education, and career development in a manner that is inclusive of diverse research methodologies and topic areas, to interact productively with allied disciplines, and to promote high professional standards of ethics and collegiality.