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Susan Magasi receives funding as part of Rehabilitation Research and Training Center grant

Susan Magasi is PI of a five-year, $1.04 million study called mENTER funded as part of a Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). mENTER will integrate Magasi’s peer navigator intervention OP-ENS with her WeCanConnect mHealth platform to create a peer navigator program to support people with newly acquired disabilities who are transitioning to independent living. AHS alumna Chun-shan (Sandie) Yi, will take the lead on an innovative training initiative to build self-efficacy and advocacy skills amongst people with disabilities through arts-based programming. Elliot Roth and Leora Cherney of the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab are the mPI’s on the $4.37 million RRTC grant called “Enhancing Community Living and Increasing Participation through Self Efficacy (Eclipse).”