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UIC enterprise email marketing tool and Webtools update

The new enterprise email marketing software for UIC will be Emma Email Marketing.

About Emma Email Marketing:

  • It is a widely used enterprise email marketing platform, like MailChimp, Constant Contact and others.
  • It has a very user–friendly dashboard with intuitive navigation making it easier to learn and use.
  • It has an easy to use drag-and-drop email editor and templates that can be UIC branded. You can preview emails for both desktop and mobile before sending.
  • It has email analytics and reporting that include open rates, opens by device type and email client, click rates, a click map that shows click activity within your emails, a mailing score and more.

Please note that the Emma software has passed accessibility, security and data privacy reviews so we have approval to share the name of the tool, but it is still going through the procurement process. The Webtools retirement date for UIC will be extended and is no longer August 15. A new date and will share when that is available. UIC Strategic Marketing and Communications is working on a revised rollout timeline, training schedule, templates, etc. Rest assured, there will be adequate time for beta testing, training and template development before Emma goes live and Webtools is retired.

There are no updates on the status of an enterprise-level design tool like Canva, Marq and others.