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UIC Open House 2024

Get involved. Get informed. Get to know AHS on Saturday, September 21.

Faculty Information

Celebrate our graduates!

Please visit the UIC Commencement website for the most up to date information regarding the Spring 2024 commencement ceremonies.

The spring 2024 commencement is taking place on Saturday, May 4, 2024  at 10 a.m. in the Credit Union 1 Arena

NOTE:  The faculty regalia ordering form is due March 25.

Regalia Heading link

You can order your regalia using the following form.  (NOTE:  This form has been modified since last year, so there are new fields to complete.) Faculty must submit their regalia orders no later than March 25 in order to ensure that appropriate attire is received in time for commencement. You’ll receive a confirmation notification after submitting your order. If you don’t receive a confirmation notice upon submitting the form, your order has not been processed. Please resubmit the order until you receive a confirmation notice.

Regalia for commencement cannot be guaranteed for faculty who don’t submit their robe orders by this deadline. Regalia orders will be available early during the week of commencement. Regalia should be returned following the ceremony in the bins located outside of the dressing rooms in the Arena.

Roles Heading link

You’ll be designated into one of four roles for the ceremony, each with different responsibilities.

Platform party members

Platform party members include university administrators, college dean, department heads, guest speakers, alumni awardees, and other college administrators as designated. Platform party members should plan to attend the Commencement rehearsal in the days prior to the ceremony if available.  For those unable to attend rehearsal, please contact Eileen Doran for additional information about your role prior to the day of the ceremony. The commencement coordinator will contact all applicable platform party members with details regarding the rehearsal. Platform party members should arrive by 9:15am and proceed to the platform party line-up area. (NOTE:  A rehearsal is scheduled for platform party members, marshals, and hooders on May TBD in the Arena.)

Faculty marshals

There will be several new changes implemented for the Spring 2024 Commencement ceremonies.  Faculty marshals will not be required from each academic program.  The commencement coordinator will reach out to program directors to determine which faculty will serve as marshals for their department.  Graduates will be seated by level (PhD, professional doctorate (OTD/DCEP/DPT), Master’s, and Bachelor’s).   All graduates’ names will be prerecorded and embedded as part of their personalized graduation slide, so faculty marshals will not be announcing graduate names.  However, in the event of a technical error, a faculty marshal may be asked to announce graduates’ whose names are not recorded or until the system is active again.  Faculty marshals should plan to attend the AHS Commencement rehearsal in the days prior to the commencement ceremony. Faculty marshals will have assigned seats on the floor and will not be required to process in.  They can take their seat upon arrival to the arena and meet the graduates on the floor.  Graduates will have an electronic QR code that will be scanned as they approach the stage which will trigger their personalized slide to appear on the screen.  For details about the rehearsal, faculty marshals should contact the commencement coordinator. Faculty marshals should arrive by 9:15 am in the Arena to greet the graduates.  (NOTE:  A rehearsal is scheduled for platform party members, marshals, and doctoral hooders on May TBD in the Dorin Forum.)

Doctoral Advisors

PhD advisors should arrive no later than 9:30 am to join their graduates in the graduate seating area. Degree candidates should save a seat next to them for their advisors.  PhD advisors will be seated with their advisees during the ceremony. Advisors should confirm with their graduates prior to the regalia order deadline of March 15 whether they are planning to participate in the spring commencement ceremony.  PhD advisors will walk up on stage with their candidates and hood them as appropriate. PhD advisors will exit the stage with their advisees. PhD advisors are welcome to attend the rehearsal in the days prior to the commencement ceremony.   The OTD advisors will follow the same seating arrangement as the PhD advisors and will be seated next to their advisees in the graduate seating area.  Five DPT advisors will be assigned to hood the graduating DPT students.  The DPT hooders will be seated at the front of the graduate seating area with the graduates from their department.  Three DCEP advisors will be assigned to hood the graduating DCEP students.  All advisors/hooders participating in the ceremony will have an assigned seat.  Please follow up with the commencement coordinator for details regarding the rehearsal and seat assignments. (NOTE:  A rehearsal is scheduled for platform party members, marshals, and hooders on May TBD in the Arena.)  For those unable to attend rehearsal, please contact Eileen Doran for additional information about your role prior to the day of the ceremony.

AHS faculty

All faculty not identified in the categories above (excluding banner carriers), should arrive by 9:30 am. Faculty should follow the signs to the faculty robing area. Faculty can line up in any order to process in to the Arena.  At the conclusion of the ceremony, faculty are encouraged to join their graduates outside the Arena for photos and to congratulate graduates.

Parking Heading link

Parking will be available at no charge in Lots 1A/1B (1109/1139 West Harrison Street).   Refer to the UIC Commencement website for additional details.